
26th April 2016

NZ open to Chinese investment: John Key

In a room representing more than $100 billion worth of Chinese wealth, Prime Minister John Key has moved to assure China’s heaviest hitters that New Zealand is open for investment. His comments were delivered at… Read More

19th April 2016

New Zealand China Council board member Cathy Quinn took part in the Prime Minister’s official delegation to China in April as Co-leader of the business delegation. This article originally appeared in the Sunday Star-Times. New… Read More

24th March 2016

Air NZ eyes new China route

Air New Zealand has been assessing a number of Chinese cities as potential destinations, including Chengdu, which is rumoured to become its next new route. The airline’s Shanghai-based regional manager for Asia, Scott Carr, wouldn’t… Read More

18th November 2015

NZ welcomes President Xi Jinping

HARD WORK UNDERPINS AN ENVIABLE RELATIONSHIP Sir Don McKinnon, Chairman – New Zealand China Council President Xi Jinping’s visit comes as New Zealand’s relationship with China… Read More

9th November 2015

Cashing in on Single’s Day: Mark Tanner

This article has been reproduced from You can read the original article here. It’s the biggest online shopping event in the world, and they want our products. But what are New Zealand businesses doing… Read More

19th October 2015

China Business Summit 2015

The China Business Summit 2015 is taking place on Monday, 9 November at the Langham Auckland from 8:00am to 5:00pm.  Sponsorded by the New Zealand China Council, this year’s summit will offer insights… Read More

21st September 2015

Exports on agenda at Partnership Forum

The New Zealand Herald, 21 September 2015 Regulatory niggles facing exporters and an upgrade to New Zealand’s free trade agreement with China will be among the issues discussed at a trade forum in Beijing this… Read More

14th September 2015

China Watch Autumn 2015

When China’s stock market stumbles, despite its small size and the fact that it does not reflect the core Chinese economy, world markets fall. International stock markets ascribe too great an importance to… Read More

8th September 2015

NZ Chinese Language Week

New Zealand Chinese Language Week (NZCLW) is a Kiwi-driven initiative that aims to increase Chinese language learning in New Zealand. The initiative is the first of its kind in any Western country and emerged in… Read More

31st July 2015

Sir Don McKinnon on enhancing NZ China ties

New Zealand China Council Chair Sir Don McKinnon interviewed on Guangdong TV about enhancing New Zealand China relations Watch the interview here:… Read More

28th July 2015


China is not a single market. Beijing offers different opportunities than Shanghai, in turn a different market than the inland city of Chengdu. This animation highlights how two of the main drivers of demand, urban… Read More

22nd July 2015

Cathy Quinn on China New Zealand Ties

Cathy Quinn, Executive Board Member of the New Zealand China Council and Chair of Minter Ellison Rudd Watts discusses current ties between China and New Zealand on CCTV America. Read More

16th July 2015

Global Think Tank Summit held in Beijing

New Zealand China Council Chair Sir Don McKinnon spoke at the Fourth Global Think Tank Summit, hosted by the China Centre for International Economic Exchanges in Beijing last month. Attended by representatives from more than… Read More

16th July 2015

Rodney Jones on NZ property crisis

The debate around what to do about Auckland property, and the role of non-resident buyers in driving up prices, has started to gather considerable heat in recent weeks. In the last few days the focus… Read More