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New Zealand China Council
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NZ China Council Executive Director visits China

August 18, 2016

New Zealand China Council Executive Director Stephen Jacobi visited Beijing and Shanghai in August 2016 following an APEC Business Advisory Council (ABAC) meeting in Shenzhen.

In Beijing Mr Jacobi met with New Zealand’s ambassador to China and his team, MPI representatives, leading New Zealand businesspeople in China, media representatives and Council partners in Chinese think tanks and business organisations.

Stephen Jacobi with Fonterra’s Government Relations Team


Stephen Jacobi meets with the Chinese Chamber of International Commerce

In Shanghai, Mr Jacobi met with New Zealand’s Consul General to China, NZ Inc business representatives, members of the Shanghai Entrepreneurs Association, media representatives and economists.

Issues discussed during the visit included New Zealand China relations, bilateral trade, China’s economic outlook and opportunities for further cooperation between the Council and its counterparts in China.

“This was a timely and useful visit as we work to develop the Council’s forward programme. I met with a range of contacts all of whom are working hard to build a relationship which adds value and which meets New Zealand’s and China’s shared interests as Asia Pacific partners.

“I was particularly pleased to meet with NZ business representatives who are aware of the challenges of working in China but see enormous opportunity for us in this huge and diversified market”, Mr Jacobi says.

Stephen Jacobi meets with the China Council for International Economic Exchange

Stephen Jacobi meets with the Shanghai Entrepreneurs Association

Stephen Jacobi with Consul General Guergana Guermanoff in Shanghai

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