New Zealand China Council Podcast

New Zealand China Council
New Zealand China Council

The big China issues of 2024: An Australian perspective

Like New Zealand, Australia is also tracking China’s economy closely, as well as grappling with increasingly complex regional geopolitics.  It’s always helpful for us to swap notes, especially with an acknowledged Australia-China expert. Professor James Laurenceson is Director of the Australia China Research Institute (ACRI), Australia’s first and only research… Read More

Sourcing from the world’s factory: Our import relationship with China

China is New Zealand’s largest source of imports, whether ready for consumption under NZ or increasingly well-known Chinese brands, or providing materials and components for our domestic manufacturing outputs. Does this leave us exposed – are there particular products from China we can’t do without, and what would happen if… Read More

Dissecting China’s ‘Two Sessions’ in 2024

Every March, the ‘lianghui’ or ‘Two Sessions’ political meetings in Beijing set the scene and key directions for China’s year ahead: its intended socio-economic goals and strategies, priority sectors, key personnel appointments and foreign policy settings.  These are valuable signposts for New Zealanders following latest developments in China.  In this… Read More

Tasting the Future: China’s Sustainable Protein Outlook

‘How to feed 1.4 billion people’ is already a big question. And how to do it sustainably? Answers to these questions are not only crucial for people in China, but also important for New Zealand.  China is our largest trade partner:  Understanding its future sustainable food policy directions, and how… Read More

Taking the pulse of NZ business in China with NZBRiC

The New Zealand Business Roundtable in China (NZBRiC), a representative body for New Zealand companies doing business in and with China, recently completed a groundbreaking survey of over 50 kiwi businesses to provide a first-hand, on-the-ground perspective of the real business environment and mood for New Zealand companies operating there… Read More

China and climate change: Perceptions and reality

How do New Zealanders assess China’s response to climate change?  We recently had a unique opportunity to work with InstatData, a kiwi start-up which analyses social media posts to gauge New Zealanders’ opinions on particular issues.  We put their technology to the test to focus on China and climate change,… Read More

Understanding China’s 20th Communist Party Congress

The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China took place recently in Beijing. The pivotal five-yearly event in China’s political calendar drew global interest.  But beyond the media headlines, what were the key outcomes of the Congress and how could these affect China’s policy directions and New Zealand’s… Read More

Celebrating New Zealand Chinese Language Week

This week is New Zealand Chinese Language Week. We sat down with our Council members Kiri Nathan, founder of her eponymous clothing brand Kiri Nathan Limited, and Mark Tanner, Founder and Managing Director of Shanghai based market strategy and research agency China Skinny, to explore their own Chinese language journeys. Read More

Growth and exposure: How to Assess the NZ-China Trade Relationship?

In late April the New Zealand China Council released a report commissioned from Sense Partners, “In Perspective: The New Zealand-China Trade and Business Relationship 2022 Update”.  Amongst other findings, the report confirmed that China’s share of New Zealand’s global goods exports reached 32.6% in 2021. How we assess this situation… Read More

Launching the Southern Link!

The Southern Link places New Zealand in the middle of a global value chain connecting Asia and South America, generating growth in trade, tourism and export opportunities. Transiting via New Zealand offers the shortest air route between many major cities on the two continents, along with time zone advantages and… Read More

International education update

A year on, we reconnect with the education sector to discuss the impact of Covid-19. Our guests, Derek McCormack (Vice Chancellor – AUT), Danny Chan (Co-founder – ACG and Director – UP Education) and  Ainslie Moore (Deputy Director – International, Auckland University) discuss the impact of Covid-19 on their institutions, explain how they have pivoted, how… Read More

Kiri Nathan on fashion, cultural connection and what resonates with consumers

Kiri Nathan is the founder of her eponymous clothing brand Kiri Nathan Ltd. Kiri has been travelling to China for years, a journey that started with sourcing fabric from one of the world’s largest textile markets. In this podcast we speak with Kiri about her China experience, including taking a hīkoi of young designers to market – which has led… Read More

Magic Memories discuss China market entry

It’s not necessarily about providing the lowest priced product that will make you a success in China… it’s about being able to add value and continue to create value. Magic Memories started as fast photo service for tourists on the Queenstown gondola more than 20 years ago. It is now… Read More

John Cochrane on his China Tech Journey

New Zealand China Trade Association (NZCTA) and North Asia CAPE recently hosted a technology focused breakfast seminar featuring John Cochrane, General Manager of Facteon Intelligent Technology. John has had a fascinating China journey, working across both the private and public sectors on China focused business. John was CEO… Read More

A conversation with Australia-China expert James Laurenceson

How has the Australia-China relationship changed over the last few years? What has been the impact of the spill-over of politics into the economic realm? Have views on China become more polarised, and what is the impact of increased tensions on Australia’s Chinese community? These are some of the topics… Read More

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