
12th September 2016

It’s #ChineseLanguageWeek

More young New Zealanders should embrace the opportunity to learn Chinese, according to New Zealand China Council Executive Director Stephen Jacobi. “Chinese Language Week is a reminder of how critical language acquisition is to developing… Read More

5th September 2016

China Council hosts visiting China scholar

The NZ China Council was pleased to host a luncheon discussion for business, government and media guests with Professor Bates Gill in Auckland on 5 September. Prof Gill is Professor of Asia-Pacific Strategic Studies at… Read More

18th August 2016

NZ China Council Executive Director visits China

New Zealand China Council Executive Director Stephen Jacobi visited Beijing and Shanghai in August 2016 following an APEC Business Advisory Council (ABAC) meeting in Shenzhen. In Beijing Mr Jacobi met with New Zealand’s ambassador to… Read More

16th August 2016

China Council meets in Christchurch

The Executive Board of the NZ China Council met in Christchurch on 16 August. The Board was joined at lunch by Mayor Lianne Dalziel and Canterbury University Vice Chancellor Rod Carr at the newly renovated… Read More

29th July 2016

Jacobi: This is not a trade war

This opinion piece originally appeared on on 25 July 2016 OPINION: “When elephants fight, it gets tough on the grass”. I wrote this when the United States under President Bush was blocking steel imports… Read More

28th July 2016

Benny wins NZ-China journalism award

Reporter Tony Benny has added to the growing list of NZ Farmer’s prizewinning writers with a win in the 2016 New Zealand-China Media Awards. Benny, who lives in rural North Canterbury, won the regional reporting… Read More

22nd July 2016

Stephen Jacobi on China steel dumping allegations

From Newstalk ZB: A trade stoush has been taken up a notch, with accusations China is spying on New Zealand officials. There are reports Chinese officials are applying pressure behind the scenes, warning of… Read More

19th July 2016

NZTE China E-Commerce & Social Media

E-commerce and social media have rapidly become part of daily life in China and the digital world presents an opportunity for many NZ companies. From our population base here in NZ of less than five… Read More

19th July 2016

Steel dumping by China a ‘storm in a teacup’

The NZ-China Council says allegations of steel dumping a storm in a teacup. We talk to Stephen Jacobi from the NZ-China Council.‘storm-in-a-teacup’  … Read More

15th July 2016

John Drinnan: Here is the news from Beijing

China pays to get its views across in NZ and Australian newspapers. Running a monthly liftout produced by Chinese state media must make good sense for the accountants at Fairfax. But in my view, the… Read More

24th May 2016

Dairy giant still sold on China

This article originally appeared in the New Zealand Herald. It was written by Christopher Adams, recipient of the 2016 New Zealand China Council Media Award. Christina Zhu didn’t know quite what she was getting herself… Read More

6th May 2016

Executive change at New Zealand China Council

Patrick English has stepped down as Executive Director of the New Zealand China Council after leading the organisation since it was established in 2012. Mr English, a former trade commissioner in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou… Read More