
25th May 2018

Veteran journalist discusses China’s ‘New Era’

One of Australia’s leading specialists on China has urged New Zealanders to actively watch what he describes as a major transformation underway in the Asian superpower – one that has profound economic and political consequences… Read More

18th May 2018

Strong Interest in Belt and Road in Christchurch

The Council’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) travelling road show arrived at PwC’s new offices in Christchurch on Thursday 17 March. An audience of 75 of the City’s business and civic leaders heard from NZCC… Read More

15th May 2018

China Business Summit 2018

New Zealand China Council was a proud sponsor of China Business Summit 2018, which took place in Auckland on 14 May. The focus of this year’s Summit was “Eyes Wide Open”. The day’s event… Read More

11th May 2018

China Business Forum held in Auckland

The Business Forum of the 1st China International Import Expo (CIIE) was held in Auckland on 11 May. Speakers at the Forum included Madam Xu Erwen, Consul General of China in Auckland, Nick Hill, Chief… Read More

1st May 2018

Belt and Road requires NZ ingenuity: Report

China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) will be one of the most important economic opportunities for New Zealand over next decade, but only if we find a uniquely Kiwi way to engage, according to a… Read More

13th March 2018

Global China Connection’s Relaunch Event 2018

The New Zealand China Council is proud to sponsor a number of organisations and initiatives which encourage deeper connections with China.  One of these is Global China Connection, which provides a forum for university students and… Read More

26th February 2018

NZ Herald Op Ed: Anti-China narrative not the Kiwi way

Anti-China narrative not the Kiwi way There’s an anti-China narrative starting to emerge in New Zealand. It reflects debate in Australia about the extent of ‘Chinese influence’, particularly on politicians, and follows moves by the… Read More

8th February 2018

A new home for the China Council

After four years on the waterfront at our Quay Street office, the Council has moved to a new location. We’re pleased to announce the New Zealand China Council is now on Level 13, 51 Shortland… Read More