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New Zealand China Council
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NZ Chinese Language week 2024

In our third New Zealand Chinese Language Week video, we invited a special guest, Dr Danping Wang of The University of Auckland, who teaches Chinese Mandarin and speaks fluent Cantonese.

Today’s Māori whakataukī and Chinese proverb talk about the shared values of collective effort and cooperation.
·      He waka eke noa. – We are all in this together. (We are all in the same waka)
·      同舟共济 (‘Tóng zhōu gòng jì’ in Mandarin, and ‘tung4zau1 gung6zai3’ in Cantonese) – We are all in the same boat.

Both phrases highlight unity and teamwork, conveying the idea that everyone is in the same boat and must work together to overcome challenges.

[Te Reo Māori translation]

I roto I tā mātou kiriata tuatoru, I tono atu e mātou ki a Dr Danping Wang nō Waipapa Taumata Rau – The University of Auckland, koia rā e whakaako ana I te reo mandarin o Haina otianō e mātauranga Ana ki Cantonese.

Ko te whakataukī o te rangi nei, e korero ana mo te mana o te kotahitanga.
. He waka eke noa. – We are all in this together. (We are all in the same waka)
. 同舟共济 (‘Tóng zhōu gòng jì’ in Mandarin, and ‘tung4zau1 gung6zai3’ in Cantonese) – We are all in the same boat.
E korero ana ngā mea e rua, mo te kotahitanga otianō te mahi ngātahi pērā hoki rā ki te waka. Me kotahi ai tātou Kia eke panuku.

Kei te rōpū pāpāho, e whā ngā hoa kei te kāinga kotahi e ako ana i te reo. Arohia ngā kōrero me ngā mōhiotanga e pā ana ki ngā hononga ahurea mai i konei.


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