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NZ Chinese Language week 2024

Welcome to New Zealand Chinese Language Week (NZCLW) 2024!

As part of celebrating Te Wiki o te Reo Māori (14th – 21st Sep) and New Zealand Chinese Language Week (22nd – 28th Sep), New Zealand China Council created our latest podcast and short videos to showcase the beauty of languages as a bridge between cultures. By exploring shared wisdom, we can deepen our connections and understanding.

In today’s video, we highlight two beautiful sayings:
·      Māori Whakataukī : Ahakoa he iti kete, he iti nā te aroha. (Although the basket is small, it is given with love.)
·      Chinese saying: “千里送鹅毛,礼轻情意重” ( Qiān lǐ sòng é máo, lǐ qīng qíng yì zhòng. A swan feather sent from afar; the gift may be light, but the sentiment is deep)

Both proverbs remind us that the value of a gift lies in the thought behind it.

[Te Reo Māori translation]

Nau mai ki te Wiki o te Reo Hainamana o Aotearoa (NZCLW) 2024!

Hei wāhanga o te whakanui i Te Wiki o te Reo Māori (14th – 21st Sep) me te Wiki o te Reo Hainamana o Aotearoa (22nd – 28th Sep), i waihanga a Te Kaunihera o Aotearoa me Haina tā mātou pāpāho taringa hōu me ngā kiriata poto hei whakatairanga i ngā ahurea tokorua nei, otianō, ki te whakaatu i ngā hononga kei waenganui i hēnei reo rangatira. Mā te tohatoha i ngā kohinga mātauranga, ka hōhonu ake te mārama.

Ko ngā kiianga matua o te rangi nei, ko:
•      Māori Whakataukī : Ahakoa he iti kete, he iti nā te aroha. (Although the basket is small, it is given with love.)
•      Chinese saying: “千里送鹅毛,礼轻情意重” ( Qiān lǐ sòng é máo, lǐ qīng qíng yì zhòng. A swan feather sent from afar; the gift may be light, but the sentiment is deep)
Ko te tino kiko o hēnei kiianga, e takoto mai ana i te hiranga o te whakaaro kei muri i te koha, ehara rā i te rahi o te koha.

Tirohia ki te kiriata, otianō kaua rawa e wareware ki te whakarongo ki te pāpāho taringa i tohaina e mātou i tērā wiki mō te hōhonutanga o ngā hono i waenganui i ngā reo me ngā ahurea.

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