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New Zealand China Council
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The big China issues of 2024: An Australian perspective

August 16, 2024

Like New Zealand, Australia is also tracking China’s economy closely, as well as grappling with increasingly complex regional geopolitics.  It’s always helpful for us to swap notes, especially with an acknowledged Australia-China expert.

Professor James Laurenceson is Director of the Australia China Research Institute (ACRI), Australia’s first and only research centre focused exclusively on the bilateral relationship.  In this podcast he and New Zealand China Council Executive Director Alistair Crozier explore a range of current China-related issues that are important on both sides of the Tasman, given their implications for our prosperity and security.


2:30 What Chinese economic indicators should we be looking at?
5:40 Using trade data to take China’s economic pulse
9:30 A sense of urgency in economic planning?
10:30 But can China “walk the talk”?
16:50 Thoughts on the Communist Party 3rd Plenum
23:55 How is Australia’s trade with China tracking?
28:40 Where is Australian public sentiment at on China?
32:10 Discussing AUKUS
39:15 Where is the US-China relationship heading?
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