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Te hono a te ao Māori ki a Haina: Māori approaches to engagement with China past, present, future

March 6, 2025

How have instinctive Māori approaches to engagement with China and its people created unique success? How diverse is the range of economic and non-commercial Māori-China ties? What can Aotearoa New Zealand learn from these histories and experiences to continue expanding these links as part of the modern New Zealand – China bilateral relationship?

These are some of the key topics discussed during our research report launch webinar on 24 February.

In February 2025, we launched our latest research report: Te hono a te ao Māori ki a Haina: Māori approaches to engagement with China past, present, future.

The report’s authors, Dr. Jason Mika and Xiaoliang Niu, along with our Council member Kiri Nathan, and Dr Xiaoying Fu of New Zealand Māori Tourism had an in-depth discussion of these and other topics during the launch webinar with our Council’s executive director Alistair Crozier.

This podcast episode is a recording of the webinar. Tune in to listen to the authors’ summary of key findings and the insightful kōrero of the panel.


6:44 Report authors’ summary of key findings
20:13 Te ao Māori and tikanga Māori as strengths when engaging with China – Kiri Nathan’s experience
25:14 Chinese visitors’ experience of te ao Māori and the opportunities for Māori Tourism businesses
31:45 Kaitiakitanga and 天人合一 (Tiān rén hé yī) – similarities in te ao Māori and traditional Chinese values on sustainability
34:41 Better data on Māori trade for better results
38:14 Chinese visitors want authentic cultural experiences in New Zealand
40:18 How to better support Māori SME exporters to succeed in markets like China?
45:51 How can Māori navigate engaging with China in the changing geopolitical environment?

E pēhea nei ngā aronga māori ki te tūhono ki a Haina me ōna tāngata ki te angitū? He aha te mātotorutanga o ngā hononga ōhanga me ngā mea kore i waenga i te Māori me Haina? He aha ngā akoranga ka taea e Aotearoa te pīkau mai i ēnei wheako hei whanake tonu i ēnei hononga i roto i te taura-here o Aotearoa me Haina i ēnei rā?

Koinei ētahi o ngā kaupapa matua i puta i tā mātou kaupapa whakarewa i te pūrongo rangahau o te 24 o Huitanguru.

I te Hui-tanguru o te te tau nei 2025, i whakarewahia e mātou tā mātou pūrongo rangahau hou: Te hono a te ao Māori ki a Haina: Māori approaches to engagement with China past, present, future.

Ko ngā kaituhi o te rīpoata, a Dr. Jason Mika rāua ko Xiaoliang Niu, me tā mātou mema o te Kaunihera, a Kiri Nathan, me Dr. Xiaoying Fu o Te Tūruhi Māori o Aotearoa, i whakaterea he wānanga kia kōrero mō ēnei kaupapa me ētahi atu i te launch webinar i te taha o tā mātou pou, a Alistair Crozier.

Ko tēnei wahanga pāhotanga oro, he rekoata i tīkina mai i taua hui. Whakarongo mai ki te whakarāpopototanga a ngā kaituhi me ō rātou kitenga matua, kōrero hohonu anō hoki.

Wā Tuhi (Timestamps):

6:44 Ngā whakarāpopototanga a ngā kaituhi o ngā kitenga matua
20:13 Te Ao Māori me te tikanga Māori hei kaha i te tūhononga ki a Haina – Te wheako o Kiri Nathan
25:14 Ngā wheako o ngā manuhiri Hainamana ki te ao Māori me te pae tawhiti mō ngā pakihi Tāpoi Māori
31:45 Kaitiakitanga me 天人合一 (Tiān rén hé yī) – Ngā mea e rite ana i waenganui i te ao Māori me ngā uara tuku iho o Haina mo te kaitiakitanga.
34:41 He raraunga pai ake mō te tauhokohoko Māori hei pai ake ngā hua
38:14 Kei te hiahia ngā manuhiri nō Haina ki ngā wheako tūturu-Māori i Aotearoa
40:18 Me pēhea te tautoko i ngā pākihi Māori iti-pā waenga kia angitu ai rātou ki roto i ngā mākete pērā i a Haina?
45:51 Me pēhea e taea ai e te iwi Māori te eke panuku i te tūhononga ki a Haina i ngā ngaru nui o te ao tōrangapū, ao whānui anō hoki e hurihuri haere ana?


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