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Bridging Cultures: Navigating the study of Chinese languages and Te Reo Māori

September 19, 2024

This September in Aotearoa New Zealand, we celebrate two special weeks: Te Wiki o te Reo Māori (14–21 Sept), marking the 52nd anniversary of the Māori Language Petition on Saturday 14th, and New Zealand Chinese Language Week (22–28 Sept). 

Both initiatives promote language learning in New Zealand by raising awareness, sharing cultural stories, and connecting communities. Languages bridge cultures, fostering understanding and appreciation.  

With this inspiration in mind, our latest podcast features Ethan Jones, Laura Oh, and Luke Qin, who join our Council’s Assistant Director Summer Xia to discuss their journeys of learning Te Reo Māori and Chinese languages, exploring linguistic and cultural connections and sharing some fun stories along the way (some were very surprising). 

[Te Reo Māori] 

Te hono o ngā ahurea: Te ako o ngā reo Hainamana me Te Reo Māori 

I tēnei marama o Hepetema kei te whakanui mātou i ngā wiki rangatira e rua: Te Wiki o te Reo Māori (14–21 o Mahuru), e tohu ana i te 52 tau o te huritau o te pētihana Reo Māori hei te Rāhoroi 14 o Mahuru, me te Wiki o te Reo Hainamana ki Aotearoa (22–28 Mahuru).
He kaupapa e rua e whakatairanga ana i te ako reo ki Aotearoa mā te whakaohooho i te māramatanga, te whakawhitiwhitinga o ngā pūrakau, me ngā kōrero tuku iho, me te tūhono anō ki ngā hapori. Ko te reo te huarahi e whiria nei i ngā ahurea, e whakapūmau ai i te māramatanga.
Nā runga anō i tēnei ranga wairua, kei roto i tā mātou paoho pūoru hōu ko Ethan Jones, Laura Oh, me Luke Qin, i hono atu ki te Kaitohutohu Tuarua o tā mātou Kaunihera, Summer Xia, ki te kōrero mō ā rātou haerenga ki te ako i te Reo Māori me ngā reo Hainamana, te tūhono o ngā reo me ngā ahurea, ā, ka whakawhiti kōrero hoki mō ētahi kōrero ngahau (he tino miharo ētahi). 


00:58   Acknowledgment of the recent passing of the Māori King 

03:05   What languages do you speak?  

06:30   Reasons of starting to learn these languages 

14:55   Linguistics similarities between Te Reo Māori and Chinese  

17:00   Cultural connections between Māori and Chinese  

25:45   Methods: being comfortable in the uncomfortable 

30:00   Different personalities when speaking different languages 

39:00   Fun or surprising stories during the language journeys  

48:25   Advice for fellow language learners 


Whakataukī and Chinese proverbs that shared similar meanings appeared in this episode: 

49:20   Tūwhitia te hopo, mairangatia te angitū!  


             Feel the fear and do it anyway. 

50:35   Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi – engari he toa takitini.  


             Success does not belong to one person; it comes from the collective. 

51:10    Toitū te marae a Tāne, Toitū te marae a Tangaroa, Toitū te tangata. 



             If the land is well and the sea is well, the people will thrive. 

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