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New Zealand China Council
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May 13, 2020

Virtual Session 2 – Eastern China: Where NZ Businesses are Winning and Where They’re Not

Be it tourism, agriculture, manufacturing, education, food & beverage and beyond, the Kiwis leading the charge into China’s marketplace will no doubt have come across a plethora of challenges. So, where are NZ businesses falling short, and where are they winning?

NZCTA Young Associates is excited to welcome Richard Dunsheath, NZTE’s Shanghai Trade Commissioner and previous Guangzhou Trade Commissioner, as our second virtual session’s esteemed guest speaker. We look forward to hearing Richard’s insights from working on the ground with NZ businesses establishing themselves in East China; highlighting their wins and learning from their losses. He will also touch base on what our post-Covid19 relationship with China may look like, alongside answering any questions you may have!  

Date & Time: Wednesday 13th May, 11.30 am to 12.10 pm (NZST)

Location: Zoom (weblink in registration email)

Speaker: Richard Dunsheath, NZTE Trade Commissioner, Shanghai

Registration and more information : https://bit.ly/zoom-into-china-YA-virtual-series

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