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New Zealand China Council
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China Business Summit

May 14, 2018

organized by Auckland Chamber of Commerce and NZ Inc.

Eyes Wide Open

We know that you are one of the many New Zealand firms who have helped two-way trade more than treble since the signing of the NZ-China Free Trade Agreement 10 years ago.

We want to make sure that you are well informed to benefit from trade between China and New Zealand in the next few years and are inviting you to participate in the 2018 China Business Summit.

The Summit will:

  • Discuss the rapidly changing political and economic environment in China and how that impacts on New Zealand business.
  • Explore how SME’s in New Zealand can leverage off Alibaba’s digital platforms.
  • Check that New Zealand innovative technologies are safe in the hands of Chinese partners and investors.
  • Hear from Hon David Parker on how NZ can navigate the trade war between the United States and China.
  • Explore the Belt & Road initiative and the potential for New Zealand firms to benefit.

The Prime Minister, Rt  Hon. Jacinda Adern will open the Summit on May the 14th and this will be followed by a day of debate and discussion that you should not miss.

For more information on the China Business Summit programme visit

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