About the Council
About the Council
The New Zealand China Council is a New Zealand-led, New Zealand-funded organisation which acts as a cross-sector, peak body for the New Zealand-China relationship. The Council was established in 2012 as part of the New Zealand Government’s NZ Inc Strategy for China. The Council’s unique value proposition derives from its role in bringing together a high-level influential group of key players to engage on the relationship.
The Council operates as an incorporated society, governed by the Council Members and Executive Committee, and managed by the Executive Director. The Council Members meet twice a year to provide strategic advice and engage on the relationship. The Executive Committee oversees and directs the Council’s operations. The Chairman is elected by the Council Members. The Secretary of Foreign Affairs and Trade and the Chief Executive of New Zealand Trade and Enterprise are both ex officio members.
The Council receives approximately two thirds of its operational funding from the New Zealand Government through an annual grant from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade. The balance of funding is received from the Council members.
Annual reports
Copies of recent annual reports of the Council may be found at the links below: