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Mid-Autumn Festival 2024

[To celebrate Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori, most of our posts this week will be bilingual.]

This Tuesday, 17 September, marks the Mid-Autumn Festival, a cherished tradition in the Chinese lunar calendar, celebrated by Chinese communities worldwide.

While familiar customs like enjoying mooncakes and admiring the full moon with family remain popular, what’s new in 2024? Are there any fresh consumer trends or innovations that NZ exporters can explore through the ‘mooncake lens’?

Check out our latest explainer for more insights.

[Hei whakanui i Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori, ka reo rua te nuinga o a matou panui i te wiki nei.]

Hei tenei Turei, 17 o Mahuru, ka whakanuia te hui ahurei waenga-ngahuru, he tikanga no roto mai i te maramataka o Haina, otira e whakanuia ana e ngā hapori Hainamana puta noa.

Ahakoa ngā tikanga waia penei i te kai keke marama me te aro atu ki te marama ki te taha o te whānau e noho pūmau ana, he aha rā te mea hou i tēnei tau 2024? He mea hou ka taea e ngā kaihoko o konei te tiro mā te aru keke mararama?

He ahua hou, he mea hou ranei ka taea e nga kaihoko o Aotearoa te tirotiro ma te ‘aru keke marama’?

Tirohia ki o mātou whakamarama hou hei whakapiki i tōu maramatanga.

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