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New Zealand China Council
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CALLING FOR APPLICATIONS – New Zealand China Council seeks emerging leaders

August 4, 2022

The New Zealand China Council is offering a unique opportunity to New Zealand young professionals and emerging leaders aged 35 and under to join our Next Generation Council membership programme.

New Zealand’s relationship with China is of critical importance. How we manage it in an increasingly complex world is a key issue for the government and stakeholders across NZ’s economy and society.

Our Council is a New Zealand led and funded organisation. Our 25 members lead public-private sector dialogue on NZ-China issues, and we deliver activities that contribute to a broad and resilient NZ-China relationship.

Since 2020 we have created fixed-term positions on the Council for Next Generation members to provide leadership experience and ensure our work is informed by diverse perspectives. This is a chance to sit alongside top CEOs and leaders in business, iwi, education, government, creative industries and the NZ Chinese community to gain insights into the realities of the NZ-China relationship across multiple sectors.

We are offering a new Next Generation position commencing September 2022. The position is voluntary, for a two-year term. All members attend two Council meetings per year and are encouraged to become involved with the Council’s projects.

Please send a cover letter and CV, along with a short essay (no more than 800 words) setting out your views on the main challenges facing the NZ-China relationship and how these should be addressed, to info@nzchinacouncil.org.nz by Monday 22 August.


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