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New Zealand China Council
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PODCAST RELEASE – Sourcing from the world’s factory: Our import relationship with China

July 10, 2024

China is New Zealand’s largest source of imports, whether ready for consumption under NZ or increasingly well-known Chinese brands, or providing materials and components for our domestic manufacturing outputs.

Does this leave us exposed – are there particular products from China we can’t do without, and what would happen if supply was interrupted?  Should New Zealand be looking at diversification strategies?  And what are the exciting new opportunities that Chinese imports offer to our economy?

In June 2024, we commissioned Sense Partners to research the scale and profile of New Zealand’s imports from China. This podcast is a recording of the report launch webinar on 26 June.  Tune in to listen to the report author’s summary of key findings and an industry experts’ discussion, co-hosted with the North Asia Centre of Asia-Pacific Excellence.

Listen to the podcast here

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