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New Zealand China Council
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NZ China Council member appointment – Sarah Ottrey

July 4, 2024

The New Zealand China Council welcomes the Chair of Christchurch International Airport Ltd (CIAL) as a new member.

The appointment follows the resignation from the Council of Justin Watson, CIAL’s chief executive officer.

In addition to her CIAL role Sarah Ottrey is currently chair of Whitestone Cheese, a director of Skyline Enterprises, Mt Cook Alpine Salmon and Sarah Ottrey Marketing Ltd, and a committee member of the Otago Southland Institute of Directors. Her bio is here.

New Zealand China Council Chair John McKinnon has welcomed Sarah’s appointment and CIAL’s continued involvement as a Council member, given the importance of air connectivity and the airports sector to many aspects of New Zealand-China engagement.

“Sarah’s diverse governance experience with other New Zealand goods and services exporters to China also equips her with unique perspectives on the bilateral relationship”, John McKinnon said.

John McKinnon thanked Justin Watson for his commitment to the Council during his membership.  “We know Justin will continue his strong interest in the bilateral relationship and the work of our Council, working closely with Sarah” he said.


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