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New Zealand China Council
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Growth and exposure: How to assess the NZ-China trade relationship?

April 27, 2022

In 2021 total trade between New Zealand and China grew to $37.7 billion. As some other major markets dipped due to COVID-19, China’s share of New Zealand’s global goods exports climbed to 32.6%.

How should we assess this situation, and what does it mean for our exporters?

On 28 April the New Zealand China Council will release a new report commissioned from Sense Partners, In Perspective: the New Zealand – China trade and business relationship 2022, to assess recent bilateral trade and business flows and analyse the implications of export concentration. Please join us for an exclusive briefing by report author John Ballingall, and a discussion with exporters at the coalface of the relationship.

Please click HERE to register.

Enquiries to: info@nzchinacouncil.org.nz

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