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New Zealand China Council
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PODCAST RELEASE: Taking autonomous vehicles to the world!

November 13, 2020

Pakuranga, an eastern suburb in Auckland, is probably not the first place you’d expect to find a disruptive technology business. This is, however,  exactly where you find HMI Technology’s bustling head office. HMI’s autonomous vehicle Ohmio is designed in NZ, manufactured in China, and exported to a range of international markets.

In this podcast, you will hear HMI’s founder and Executive Chairman Mohammed Hikmet describe the challenges and opportunities presented by autonomous vehicles. Mohammed explains HMI’s longstanding connection to China, including his experience initially owning a factory which manufactures dynamic electronic signs, to now constructing a new 8,000 sqm custom facility to produce autonomous vehicles. Mohammed also sets out the environment needed to enable him to grow his business internationally, describes how his team works across markets, and articulates the advantages of being a New Zealand owned business.

Listen to the podcast here

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