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New Zealand China Council
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Podcast Release: You live a new life for every language you speak

September 21, 2020

This week is New Zealand Chinese Language Week, and we were delighted to interview Professor Martin East from the School of Cultures, Languages and Linguistics and Dr Danping Wang, a lecturer in Chinese from the University of Auckland. Professor East is also the author of the NZCC’s report on teaching languages in schools, commissioned  in 2018.

In this podcast, you will hear a discussion on how mandarin language learning is tracking at the various levels of the New Zealand school system. Participants discussed the barriers to learning Chinese, the increasing role of technology in language learning, and the structural and ideological overhaul needed to improve New Zealand’s Chinese fluency.

The NZCC reminds listeners that submissions are currently being accepted for the Education (Strengthening Second Language Learning in Primary and Intermediate Schools) Amendment Bill.

Listen to the podcast here

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