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New Zealand China Council
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PM, Council meet on NZ China relationship

June 12, 2017

The Prime Minister shared insights about the trade, investment and people-to-people aspects of the relationship and how the Government was working to build on the recent visit to New Zealand by Premier Li Keqiang.   The importance of continuing innovation in the relationship was stressed by members of the Executive Board.

Following the breakfast the Executive Board met and approved a new three year strategic plan for the Council, together with the annual business plan and budget for 2017-18.  The Board welcomed the forthcoming appointment of an additional staff member at the Council to take forward this plan.  The Board also considered how best to engage with China’s Belt and Road Initiative following the recent Belt and Road Forum held in Beijing at which the Council was represented by PwC partner, Colum Rice. 

The Executive joined the Advisory Board for a meeting held under the “Kaihui” process – this process is aimed at developing longer term thinking about the relationship, with the help of external consultants Andrew Grant and Laurent Kinet.

“Kaihui” 开会 in Chinese meets “a meeting” – the word is very similar to the Maori “Kahui”, meaning a Council, so very appropriate for the NZ China Council.   In recent months Andrew and Laurent have interviewed all Board members about their views on the relationship and this feedback was provided at the meeting.  From there the meeting identified several areas in which it is proposed to take a deeper look to develop some longer term vision. Expect to hear more about this as the year progresses !

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