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New Zealand China Council
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Perceptions of Asia 2017 survey released

March 16, 2017

The New Zealand China Council welcomes the 2017 release of Asia New Zealand Foundation’s Perceptions of Asia report.

This annual survey is a critical benchmark of New Zealanders’ attitudes toward the Asia. This year’s survey shows while the vast majority of Kiwis believe Asia is important to New Zealand, there are still many of us who wold benefit from greater knowledge and understanding.

It is encouraging to note from this year’s survey that New Zealanders’ feelings of warmth towards people from China have increased in the last two years. Another positive finding was that New Zealanders consider learning Chinese language to be valuable because of growing trade connections, tourism and migrtion.

The New Zealand China Council is committed to working closely with Asia New Zealand Foundation to improve public perceptions of our relationship with China.

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