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New Zealand China Council
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The Rise of Chinese Agriculture

September 28, 2016

The rise of Chinese agriculture and implications for New Zealand will be the focus of the NZ Contemporary China Research Centre’s annual conference in Wellington on October 27-28.

Hosted by Victoria University and sponsored by the New Zealand China Council, the conference will feature a distinguished list of speakers coming from China and from other countries around the world.

Conference Overview:

The Rise of Chinese Agriculture will be the most comprehensive analysis in New Zealand of China’s food and agricultural policies and market characteristics. It will review China’s efforts to construct a modern and professional Chinese agricultural sector as a response to market demands.

The conference will bring together a select group of Chinese and international scholars and practitioners to assess agricultural policy goals and market trends, and to analyse the implications of these trends for New Zealand producers. The conference will be of interest to New Zealand policymakers and food producers involved with the Chinese market as well as scholars of agribusiness and of contemporary China.

Registration to the conference is now open. Registration is available here.

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