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Peter Landon-Lane: How science binds us to China

March 9, 2015

Peter Landon-Lane is the CEO of the NZ Institute for Plant & Food Research, chairman of Science New Zealand and a member of the advisory board of the New Zealand China Council. He writes on the importance of ag-research links to the NZ China relationship.

AgResearch scientist Dr Phil Rolston was honoured with China’s International Science and Technology Co-operation Award in January – China’s supreme accolade for foreign scientists.

The award was in recognition of his work over 30 years on grasslands seed development and pasture improvement which helped transform vast areas of semi-desert in China into productive farmland.

The honour accorded to Dr Rolston highlights the role science and scientists have played in forging the relationship that New Zealand now enjoys with China.

Dr Rolston, like most of his peers, won’t be a household name, and our international science relationships usually don’t make headlines, but they have had a lasting impact on trade, economic growth, incomes and living standards in both our countries.

By working together, New Zealand and Chinese scientists have enriched both countries’ economies through advancements ranging from plant genetics, food security and safety, to stronger and better environmental practices.

To read the full article, click here.

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