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Jeremy Sargent: How to succeed in China

September 15, 2014

NZ China Council is proud to bring to you this much anticipated interview with Jeremy Sargent, a foreign lawyer based in Guangzhou, and a NZTE beachhead adviser.

It has been a month since the highly successful Macro/Micro China event, and after several edits, here is a part of Jeremy Sargent’s insightful discussions on China.

He said the fundamental mistakes of foreign companies entering China is the failure to appreciate the complexity of the market. China is a complicate market, it requires investing time and resources, such as due diligence, market research, etc., which can’t be done on the back of a beermat. Bureaucracy can be uncertain, changes in the rules and regulations, differences in  regulations in different areas can make it difficult. HR is the most challenging aspect faced by foreign companies, competition for talents, wage inflation and abundance of opportunities mean that Chinese employees tend to move around.

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